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What should I pay attention to when using a nursing bed for the elderly?

With the development of science and technology, the nursing bed also has a simple wooden bed and has developed into a multi-functional bed, which is a qualitative leap. The practicability, convenience and versatility of the nursing bed for the elderly are beyond doubt. It is more comfortable, and it is easy to cause the elderly to be bedridden, which is easy to cause complications, and it is not easy to prevent diseases. While it is good news for the elderly, the elderly care bed should also pay attention to some problems in the use process, so as to better Restore the body.

For patients who use nursing beds for the elderly for a long time, joints are prone to stiffness and soreness. At this time, irregular activities, massage, etc. under the guidance of doctors are required to move the joints and relieve soreness. Pay attention to turning over and moving. Sometimes, if you lie down for a long time, your body will be numb, sore, or cause pressure sores. It is easy to cause urinary tract infection. You should pay attention to more physical activity, or regularly replace the catheter and flush the bladder, etc. Because lying in bed for a long time will lead to osteoporosis, coupled with less activity, and sometimes improper handling of the catheter will lead to urinary tract infection. , When such an infection occurs, it should be treated in time. It is easy to cause muscle atrophy or venous thrombosis, which is a common disease in clinical practice. At this time, it is necessary to insist on massaging the body, moving the joints, and doing muscle contraction exercises.

When using the nursing bed, it is necessary to take proper care of it, not just lying on it comfortably. Generally pay attention to the following points:

1. Change postures when the disease allows.

2. Do more deep breathing exercises and massage more.

3. If your body allows, you can do some exercise on the nursing bed to move your joints, or get up and walk around.

The nursing bed for the elderly not only allows the elderly to sleep better, facilitates the movement of the elderly, but also facilitates the family’s care for the elderly. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to choose a good nursing bed for the elderly.


Post time: Jan-14-2022